courtesy of repth -
about me!

about me!

hi there! my name is sol, i'm 22 years old, and i've been trying to make my own website since 2023. only on the dawn of 2025 i've gotten enough inspiration and courage to do it for real and just the way i want this time!

i'd like to think of myself as an introverted, but sincere and creative person with a lot to give to the world. i've been drawing and writing poems ever since i was a kid and i love to talk about my creations!

my other hobbies include gaming and all things DIY. i collect all sorts of knick-knacks and i would love to catalogue them here someday. besides that, i am a huge fan of learning about history, especially about medieval times!

my late teens and early twenties have been a storm of learning to cope with the ghosts of my past. i struggle with my mental health a lot and i am still trying to come to terms with being autistic as a young adult. i do not want to list my issues right in the bio like that, but i would like to open up more in my blog, if i gain the courage to.

i was born in poland, but my family moved to germany when i was 13. switching enviornments so drastically at that age made me unsure, which country do i even connect with and i'd like to explore it a bit more in my writing. but hey, at least i can speak both polish and german now!

if you connect with me somewhat, if you want to be friends or even if you just think my page is neat, consider giving me a follow on my neocities. i love meeting new online neighbors!

thank you for reading! take care, and remember that you are great!


may i use your website's art? - please do not! i made the graphics specifically for my project and nobody else. i plan to publish some tutorials and freebies in the future though!

is it okay to use your code? - i would advise against it, as i am a beginner and a lot of it is very janky! however, i plan to list my sources and inspirations soon enough.

what's your website's name? - solbeth is a mashup of two names i used to go by: soleil and bethlehem. it's personal and most importantly, not taken everywhere online! so i thought, why not?

who is that character all over your page? - it's me! or at least, a respresentation of me. i used to doodle myself like this all the time in my journals, so i thought it would be a nice throwback :)

quiz results!

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
What Eevee Evolution Are You?
What Type of -dere Are You? What Vocaloid Are You?
What Is Your Bending-Element?
Which Touhou Boss (Embodiment Of Scarlet Devil) Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Which Touhou Protagonist Are You Mostly Like?
Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?


Nam porttitor mi ante, id efficitur neque convallis in. Mauris neque nulla, varius sit amet auctor vitae, tempor at metus. Nam posuere ut lectus vitae facilisis. Vivamus hendrerit volutpat est at efficitur. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque venenatis, justo sit amet fringilla placerat, eros tellus efficitur ex.


Nam porttitor mi ante, id efficitur neque convallis in. Mauris neque nulla, varius sit amet auctor vitae, tempor at metus. Nam posuere ut lectus vitae facilisis. Vivamus hendrerit volutpat est at efficitur. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque venenatis, justo sit amet fringilla placerat, eros tellus efficitur ex.